Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The widespread protests as the chain continues in most parts of Tehran

The widespread protests as the chain continues in most parts of Tehran
According to reports received, "Human Rights Democracy in Iran" protests and young people in most parts of Tehran have been at any time and intensity of protests and protest on the streets is added.
From around 18:00 and young people in the squares and streets of Tehran to the protests, and protests have struck most parts of the chain as Tehran has learned. Every moment of the intensity and dimension is added. Widespread protests in the streets now, but age, Vali Asr Square, Vali Asr, Imam Hossein Square, Vanak Square, Hafte-Tir Square, Revolution Square, Azadi Ave Ferdowsi, born Jamal, vast and elsewhere continues.
Around 18:30 one of the buses without passengers PRT chanting action against the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei took the rash reaction forces encountered. Forces to the body and glass bus Extremist without PRT were beating with batons. PRT driver without a bus stop and head lose their Shjaanە This prevents arrest by government forces were passengers.
Vali Asr Street forces towards Revolution Square and Ferdowsi have completely blocked the path and travel only to the Railway Square is open.

Forces acting on the Revolution Square and the shooting began around 19:30, over 15 people by the forces of Iranian Revolutionary Guards arrested motorcycles and were transferred to an unknown point. Also on the street around 18:30 a young age, but by forces suppressor was arrested.

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